Ship your startup in days, not weeks
The React Native boilerplate with all you need to build your IOS and Android App.

80% of startups fail because founders never launch
Databases, app store submissions, user authentication... There's so much going on.
8 hrs to add Stripe
Struggle to find time
Quit project
Save hours of repetitive code and ship faster!
Free! Open Source!
Perfect for getting started
- React Native Expo boilerplate
- Authentication - Firebase (Email)
- Tabs
- ????? Coming soon!
Pay once. Access forever.
Buy it for Life!
Same as free tier! Just cost money. lol
- React Native Expo boilerplate
- Authentication - Firebase (Email)
- Tabs
- More features coming to a store near you!
Pay once. Access forever.
35+ makers are already shipping faster!
Don't take our word for it. Here's what they have to say about AppShip.
Not too sure about AppShip, but Andrew make me laugh a lot. So I guess it's worth it.
Duy Tran@itsduytDHonestly the best tool I've used in a while. At first I thought this product was mid ... a more appropriate name would be AppShit. Funny enough routes me this website. Coincidence? I think not.
Guangye@GuangyeBalletGEasily saves 15+ hrs for me setting up trivial stuff. Now, I can directly focus on shipping features rather than hours of setting up the same technologies from scratch. Feels like a super power! :D
Abraham Lincoln@SwolebrahamA
Frequently Asked Questions
1. The React native starter with all the boilerplate code you need a mobile app: a database, login, and much more.
2. The documentation helps you set up your app from scratch, launch to the apple/android stores, and ship fast.
3. Access to our Discord with makers who build fast to stay accountable!
After you've got access to the repo, AppShip is yours forever, so it can't be refunded.